Just so everyone knows, I no longer remember what it feels like to not be sick. Please pity me. Thank you.
This week was a blur, as usual. One day I'll get sick of saying that and quit adding it into every weekly review.
Andrew is still waiting to hear about that job. We're on pins and needles, unable to sleep, and like to discuss the possibilities endlessly. Hopefully we'll know one way or the other sometime tomorrow.
Cameron and Ethan are plugging away at school. We almost have Ethan's addition facts passed off in two minutes. On Saturday he nailed them all in 2:01. He said that he almost peed his pants from the anxiety of it. Heh. That was funny. Cameron has the basics of division down, but we need to really beat those multiplication facts into his head to make it easier. This week they will be learning about dinosaurs, (their pick, not mine...I'm going to have to load up on caffeine so I don't fall asleep), and they will begin keeping daily gratitude journals in honor of Thanksgiving.
Drew and Trent play marvelously well together until Bryan comes on Wednesday through Friday, and then Drew and Bryan do everything in their power to keep Trent out of the playroom while they enjoy the toys all to themselves. Poor, poor Trent. Trent is also starting to worry me in the speech department. He has never enjoyed speaking English, and whenever we ask him to say something, he responds with a look that says, "I am not your puppet," and then he ignores us like only Trent can.
Anywho, I'm rambling. Blame the illness. Whatever it is.
So Halloween was just peachy. We went to our ward's Trunk or Treat. There were literally a million people there. We shamefully ran out of candy and had to leave early. Other people ran out, too. The lady who was proudly handing out Twinkies in the beginning was later diminished to passing out the Starbursts that the lady next to her was willing to share.
Cameron went as a skeleton. Again. Maybe next year we'll feel like getting more creative.
Ethan was a Ring Wraith from Lord of the Rings. That meant painting his face black, covering him with a black hooded robe, and giving him a sword. Yey, Ethan! Good pick!
Drew was Wolverine. Thank goodness for Kid to Kid and their second-hand costumes.
Trent was a pirate who would not wear his hat.
I put some cuts on my face so I could claim participation, and called it good.
It rained all night, which means my hair goes to Ultra Frizz Mode. Remind me to add that to the Moving to Washington Con List.
Today was Andrew's day off. We meant to do yard work and clean and junk like that, but it was such a gorgeous day that we decided to hit the Glennwood Cemetery in Park City instead. I've been wanting to go for a while now. I love cemeteries. For more on that, you'll have to read my other blog. I haven't written the post yet, but by the time you read this, I'm sure I will have. Here's a picture to hold you over...
1 comment:
All the kids look great! And the cuts on your face are more than I even attempted, so good for you! Can't wait to hear about the job - waiting on pins and needles here too....
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