
Week In Review - Oct. 24th, 2010

I know my posting here has been spotty, so I've added an e-mail subscription form so that you can get e-mail updates when I do post.  It's there if you want it.

So - this last week.  Sigh...I have been sick with the cold from hell for going on...something like ten or twelve days now.  And it's not just the slight cough that takes a while to go away - this is the full blown throat on fire, cough 'til my brain explodes out of my forehead, snot farm in the throat, can't take a shower because it wipes me out so badly kind of cold.  For all ten or twelve days.  I might die before it goes away.  

In other news - The kids had their Halloween Party last Friday.  And because they are homeschooled, it was a really good opportunity for them to interact with kids they don't get to see at school anymore.  Most of them are really good kids, and it was nice to have them around again for a while.

We started the party off with dinner.  We served Roasted Bat Wings, Monster Fingers, Pumpkin Grins, Bloody Bones and Blood Punch with Wormy Ice.  Come to think of it, I still have two ice trays full of cubes with gummy worms in them.  Need to get rid of those.  

The Monster Fingers and Bloody Bones were my favorite.  Here's some close-ups:

After dinner the kids went outside to play hide-and-seek in the dark.  Silly me sent them out without any direction and they ended up beating the tar out of each other with random weapons found around the yard instead, but oh well.  They had fun.  And glow-sticks make everything more fun.  Lots and lots of glow-sticks.

When it got to be a little too intense outside, we brought the kids in for some cookie decorating.  Pumpkins and ghosts galore.  They all tried to get as much candy on their cookie as possible.  Makes me a little sick just thinking about it.  (I have pictures of this, but can't post them because other people's kids are in them.  Safety first, you know.)

Then we told a ghost story and touched the remains of a witch, followed by Pass the Pumpkin (similar to Hot Potato, but to the tune of Michael Jackson's Thriller), and watched a scary movie with some of the best popcorn I've had in a long time.  One of the kids we invited has a movie theater popcorn popper at his house and his mom brought over a huge batch of the stuff fried up in something like 100% trans-fat oil.  It was good.

So - party a success.  Glad we did it, glad it's over.

The kids carved pumpkins on Sunday evening.  Some of them in their underwear because despite the chill in the air, he can't seem to find a love of being dressed.  Trent was confined to the high chair because he kept trying (succeeding) to steal the knives and cut random things with them.

Cameron's second pair of glasses broke this week, and so we'll be taking the lenses in from the first pair to be put in a new set of frames.  You'd think that with kids being rough and careless as they are, glasses for children would be made of something like titanium.  But no.  They are fragile as a sheet of tin foil.

Andrew flew to Spokane on Monday morning at crack o'dark A.M.  He'll be back tonight, and I'm not expecting any grand news.  But life goes on.  Until next week, Y'All.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

The Halloween party sounds like so much fun! All the food looked awesome too - you're such a great Mom! Those pumpkin pics made me excited to do ours this weekend. :) Keeping my fingers crossed for good news from Andrew!


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