Cameron was born on a...Tuesday, I think, (I'm tired), just before seven in the evening. He emerged into the world silent and white. I wasn't worried because everyone around me was calm. I was hungry, though.
The nurse rushed him off somewhere even before the placenta had made it's appearance, and later brought him back looking a little more colorful and wide-eyed. The only reason I know that he wasn't swapped for another baby is because he looks so much like Andrew.
All of that was nine years ago today, and those nine years have been full of cruel experimentation. Poor Cameron. That's how it goes for first children. (Just think of all the only children who's parents never have an opportunity for a do-over!) But because Cameron is such a good, resilient kid, he has overcome most of what Andrew and I have done to him. We had his best interest at heart, really.
Everything good about Cameron, his intelligence, his compassion, his bravery and persistence, are all qualities he has in spite of his parents. I can take credit for his solid understanding of sarcasm and his inappropriate sense of humor. That's about it.
Cameron is a blessing every single day of my life. I've said it before and I'll say it again. He, more than any other person on this Earth, makes me want to try harder and be better. I can see in his face the kind of person and mother he needs me to be, and while I will always feel like that goal is just a little too high for me - he gives me something to reach for.
Love you, Cameron.
Cameron at eight.........Cameron at nine
Happy Birthday Cameron!! He is such a cute kid!
He's so awesome! Happy Birthday Cameron!!
Happy Birthday Cameron!!!!!!!!!
He has really grown up in the last year! What a cute kid.
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