
Holey Heart, Batman!

Remember that surgery I mentioned my dad needing a while back? It's happening on Monday morning. I know he isn't excited about it, I don't think any of us are, but I am glad that it's going to be taken care of.

He has one of the best doctors in the country doing this surgery for him, so we take comfort in that.

We're hoping, praying that all goes well.


Heidi said...

He will be in my prayers all weekend.

Marcy Kestner said...

hugs to you all.

Mandy and Lorin said...

We will be saying prayers for him! Be sure to update us all.

David Kestner said...

I am thinking about your family today. I pray all goes well. He's a fighter, and has a lot going for him. I know everything will be ok. Love to all of you!


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