
Week In Review: October 18th, 2010

Happy Birthday to Andrew's Daddy.  He misses him every day.  

I'm really starting to wonder about my memory.  I can recall none of the past week except for today.  So today I shall share...

Mondays, as you know, are Andrew's day off.  Today he took the older boys fishing while I stayed home and cleaned bits and pieces of the house with Trent. Fun, no?

I'm a new contributing writer for OurMommyhood.com, so I'll be writing a monthly article for them.  I spent some time today fruitlessly promoting my piece there.  If you haven't read it, by the way, it can be found here.  Comments are appreciated.  I so badly want it to appear that people actually bothered to read it.  Not my best piece, but there ya go.  Which reminds me...deadline coming up this week.  I really should come up with an idea.


After lunch we went for a drive and ended up doing a spontaneous photo shoot in the mountains.  It was torturous fun, if that makes any sense.  Trent hates to have his picture taken.  We ended up giving him a sucker and not caring that it was in the photos.  We're thinking some of these pics might end up being Christmas gifts or something.  But given the spontaneous nature, we're not sure.  Here's some of my favorites...

This Friday we're having a Halloween party with seven additional boys...so our next update will surely be interesting.  Until next week then...


Natalie said...

I love, love, love those pictures!!!! How I wish we had that kind of foilage around here. Your boys are adorably handsome.
And good luck to you with that Halloween party. Can't wait to hear about it! :)

Katie said...

What cute boys you have! I can't believe how big they're getting. How did we get this old. It seems like just yesterday we were being tortured by tremors and Natalie-zombies...


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