
Andrew's Influence

If Andrew had had no say whatsoever in choosing our children's names, our boys would have been called Henry, Hazen, Finn, and Basil.

Just so you know.

I'm sure one day when they find that out, they will cry and kiss their father's feet in gratitude.

But hey - maybe I'll write a book about those could have been kids...

And one day, when my kids read that book and see how cool those kids are who bear their almost names, they will wish I had gotten my way.

And that means I win.

And winning is what life is all about.


Natalie said...

I really love those names you picked out. As you know, I tried selling Kamaki on Hazen if our third was a boy, he wasn't having it. At all. Sigh... maybe someday. :)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad for Andrew's influence. Just saying. Those names sound to "Utahan."

Heidi said...

Hazen....like you're getting a hazing?
Basil like the spice?
Henry and Finn are good, but I am still stuck on George Washington! What a cool guy!

Crystal Farish said...

I LOVE every single one of those names -- Finn is my all time favorite. As you know, I didn't get my way.

Seizing My Day said...

I love the name Henry. =)

Fun picture collage! love it! even the evil raggedy ann! lol! hopping over from the Peanut Gallery I think!?! =)


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