Remember this?
I did it again.
I thought I had all my bases covered. Or, just the one base. The one that requires you to check the pockets of every pair of pants you wash to ensure that you don't toss 10 crayons in with your load and then turn your clothes tie-dye when you dry them with bits of colored wax hidden all over the place. Check the pockets and you're good. Or not so much.
I have spent all day shoving load after load of laundry into the machine, trying to get caught up from the heaps that have accumulated since everyone was sick, and lesson number two for how to keep your clothes from being stained by Crayola is to not keep the art supply box next to the laundry pile because Drew will leave crayons laying around and toss them to and fro until a lovely cerulean color lands in the laundry pile and gets covered up by the excess amounts of soiled towels and underwear. Then you throw a bunch in, and inevitably, the crayon will make it's way in the washing machine without your knowledge. Then you dry it all, still in a mad rush and too pre-occupied to notice anything strange about the color of your favorite t-shirt. And then it's too late.
I hate crayons.
Oh no! Was it really your favorite tee-shirt? I feel for you, though. I can't tell you how many articles of my clothing have been rendered useless by some well-meaning soul or another putting them in the dryer (the curse of having such long arms and legs).
Ugh - sorry! I hate having clothes ruined for any reason, they are just too expensive darn it!
I haven't had any crayon experiences yet, but apparently I need to start checking my boy's pockets too. The other night I pulled some footie jammies out of the clean laundry basket (that hadn't been folded for about 3 days), and tried to get Michael to put them on. He refused because he said it hurt his feet. I knew the jammies were still plenty big enough so I kept trying to force them on. When he still refused, I pulled them off and flipped the foot inside out - out popped an entire pine cone. No wonder he didn't want to wear it. :)
When you figure out how to remove crayons let me know. I am working on how to remove gum! yep. Gum. What a nightmare...
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