I am saddened by books on Kindle or whatever other devices there are for reading a book on an electronic gadget.
I like turning pages. Real ones made of paper.
I miss the era of good, old fashioned letters. Getting the mail now is usually so drab.
I am amazed by and grateful for technology, and at the same time, I dislike it.
It's ok for saving lives and purifying water and securing communities...
But my DVD collection will soon be as obsolete as all my VHS tapes. It's annoying and expensive to have to keep replacing things. I like my i-pod, (which is actually a Sony brand - not an i-pod), but I don't want an i-phone. Who needs all that junk?
And I hate texting. Nothing is human anymore. I have seen people sit in a room with real, live people and completely ignore them in favor of conversing via technological gadget with someone not present. We are becoming a rude and desensitized society.
I detest the phrase LOL. We can't even be bothered to write the whole thing. And more often than not, people type it without having actually laughed out loud. But we feel obligated to tell someone what our reaction was to their comment, because they aren't there to see it for themselves.
Are we are forgetting how to distinguish and express real emotion? Do we remember how to read body language and facial expressions?
Here's a question for you - What is the point of a Wii? To pretend to be doing physically active things? Why not just go do them? Like, for real? (We have video games, too, so I'm not judging. I just don't understand it.)
And everyone has fancy tv's with pictures so life-like that they could almost reach out and touch whatever is on their screen. I like them, too. I think they are pretty cool. But how often do we all get outside, or even inside, and really see things? Feel fresh air on our faces, smell nature, notice when someone in the room is speaking to us? Because that world, you really can reach out and touch.
When does it all become enough? What is coming next? What part of actual living will the next invention take away?
Anyone else miss humanity? (Just in case anyone needed clarification.)
I like turning pages. Real ones made of paper.
I miss the era of good, old fashioned letters. Getting the mail now is usually so drab.
I am amazed by and grateful for technology, and at the same time, I dislike it.
It's ok for saving lives and purifying water and securing communities...
But my DVD collection will soon be as obsolete as all my VHS tapes. It's annoying and expensive to have to keep replacing things. I like my i-pod, (which is actually a Sony brand - not an i-pod), but I don't want an i-phone. Who needs all that junk?
And I hate texting. Nothing is human anymore. I have seen people sit in a room with real, live people and completely ignore them in favor of conversing via technological gadget with someone not present. We are becoming a rude and desensitized society.
I detest the phrase LOL. We can't even be bothered to write the whole thing. And more often than not, people type it without having actually laughed out loud. But we feel obligated to tell someone what our reaction was to their comment, because they aren't there to see it for themselves.
Are we are forgetting how to distinguish and express real emotion? Do we remember how to read body language and facial expressions?
Here's a question for you - What is the point of a Wii? To pretend to be doing physically active things? Why not just go do them? Like, for real? (We have video games, too, so I'm not judging. I just don't understand it.)
And everyone has fancy tv's with pictures so life-like that they could almost reach out and touch whatever is on their screen. I like them, too. I think they are pretty cool. But how often do we all get outside, or even inside, and really see things? Feel fresh air on our faces, smell nature, notice when someone in the room is speaking to us? Because that world, you really can reach out and touch.
When does it all become enough? What is coming next? What part of actual living will the next invention take away?
Anyone else miss humanity? (Just in case anyone needed clarification.)
What is the unreadable font?
Uh...I can read it. But I'll change it...
I agree with so much of what you said. I don't own a flat screen TV, an Ipod, or a GPS - what's wrong with a map???? My cell phone is the ancient variety that only calls people - you can kind of text if you put in a lot of effort, but why bother when I can just pick up the phone and have an actual conversation with someone?
I admit, I did send out email Christmas cards this year, which I swore I would never do. But the expense of actual cards and postage was too much for us this year. I am very much looking forward to real cards next year.
I'm going to be one of those old people that is completely out of touch with the world around them because they refuse to conform to societal standards on technology!
Todd and I are always on slow-boat as far as technology goes. I like activity to much to sit on my butt. I also spend very little time on the computer, unless I'm writing in my book. There is an article written by one of the general authorities that you should read about exactly what you were talking about
welcome everyone to the 21st century where everything has changed and become "simplified." Right???
Uh oh. We have HD TV and a giant tv and a wii fit plus and we each have ipods AND iPHones and we each have gps in our cars. I think we might be headed to hell in a hand basket. :)
As for the "what's wrong with a map" thing...I was in that camp for a LONG LONG time. Thought GPS was such a dumb idea. Then we moved overseas. And nothing was familiar and I was lost constantly. GPS saved my heiney and I've never looked back. It's also safer than either trying to read a map/directions while driving!
I am with you, Maureen - I would need GPS in any foreign country. :) At the same time, there is something fun in getting lost sometimes. In your home country, of course. And I wonder how many Americans can even read a traditional map?...
You are so not going to hell in a hand basket! I did not mean to condemn anyone in the least! I simply feel that we're headed down a road that is sadly distant from quality human relationships and healthy habits. All this coming from someone pathetic enough to blog sometimes three times a day. :)
I didn't take it personally. :)
Getting lost on the way to a weekend outing when my husband was with me was fun. Being overseas for less than a week and alone in the car and no local cell phone yet and realizing I had NO idea how to get home put me in panic mode. Thank God most Germans (in that vicinity) knew where the base was...I simply said "I'm an American" while giving the universal I don't know shoulder shurg and pointing at the autobahnn. Obviously I survived that little adventure, but it scared me for life in that department!
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