
Two Videos

First up is Andrew's booty shaking at the Norman Family Christmas Party. Fun party, kinda weird dance, but boy am I glad that my memory card didn't fill up until I got at least a little bit of Andrew's Christmas cheer on tape. He made me swear I wouldn't post this. But he never reads my blog, so what could it hurt? And it's not that bad, really.

And then we have Trent walking. Not his first steps, but these will do. I'm amazed that he could find somewhere to walk among all the debris on the floor, laundry mountain ready to topple on him at any time... And it shows added skill that he can walk in a sleeper that's five inches too long for him and has orange juice stains on the front from breakfast.


Bethany said...

I'm not sure why the videos are unavailable right now. Should have gone with youtube. Maybe they'll work later.

Natalie said...

Aaaawwww!!! I wanted to see more! (Of Trent walking - not necessarily Andrew getting down.) Hahaha!!! :)

Heidi said...

Too cute! And tell your Husband that the "Devil color hair" is angel color and came from both Grandma Kestners. Jane and Sandy and Aunt Nancy Hulett!

Marcy Kestner said...

I think you should post Trent doing his crawl. David tried to replicate it and got a charlie horse. hehe.
I miss your kiddos. Hope to see them soon.


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