
Anyone else reminded of Albert Einstein's definition of insanity?

The other night, Ethan made me pinkie promise that there were no potatoes in the soup I had cooked for dinner. I pinkie promised, pointing out to him that he had offered me his thumb - I wouldn't want to look like I was cheating, now, would I? After we locked pinkies, he reminded me that you can't break a pinkie promise. Yes, I understand the sacred nature of a pinkie promise. I think he's been hanging with too many girls at school.

But the solemn ritual reminded me of the reason Andrew and I no longer force our kids to eat potatoes. Not even a taste. Not a bite.

When Cameron was four and Ethan two, we grew fatigued at trying to persuade them to eat their starchy vegetables. We demanded one bite of mashed potatoes, and the kids fought it for ages. There was screaming and wailing and a veritable flood of tears. Finally, as bedtime approached and threats of having mashed potatoes for breakfast were unleashed, Cameron took a bite of those cursed mashed potatoes and gagged as though it were pig droppings, then threw up all over the table. I considered making him eat the regurgitated potatoes, but was distracted by Ethan vomiting up his own bite. Two plates full of second-hand food. So not only had they not truly eaten their potatoes, but the rest of their dinners came up along with it, and the result was two boys with entirely empty bellies. We growled and sent them to bed.

About six months later, the memory of that night had faded enough that we went for it a second time. There were spuds on the menu again, though in some other form perhaps. Again, we forced one bite. "Just try it!", we pleaded.

We got the same result. Puked up potatoes everywhere.

We don't make them eat potatoes at all anymore. But we do inflict pain upon anyone who makes gagging noises or uses the words 'nasty', 'gross' or 'disgusting' in front of Drew, and so far, Drew likes potatoes.


Erin said...

Maybe it's a genetic thing, cause Matt gags till he pukes every time we try to make him eat potatoes, too. Except for potato chips, of course...

Natalie said...

Kamaki and I were just discussing this aversion that your boys have. We are awed by the fact that they don't even like french fries - amazing! I hope Drew and Trent are starch lovers! :)

Heidi said...

Not even french fries? What is wrong with your white anglo sacksin irish german welsh scottich heritage boys. Generations of their forefathers survived on potatoes only.
Must be the Norman in them! No good Kestner would not like a potato!
I have yet to meet a potatoe I did not love! You can do anything to them and I love them!
They will grow up eventually and love them! Must be why you Normans are all so lean! No starch in your diet! :)

Bethany said...

Ah, and that's where you're wrong. The only thing I don't eat is coconut. oh, and raisins. I love me a good potato. Especially funeral potatoes and garlic mashed potatoes... I also go crazy for bread. Garlic bread mostly. My kids are so weird.

Marcy Kestner said...

They would never survive in ID & here with Aunt Marcy & Uncle David. Send them this way this summer and we will cure them as we did with their swimming fear. : )


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