
One more week!

In case you ever wondered what happened here, we made the decision to go to Washington as a family, rather than just Andrew.  It would have been nice to go in October so that we could see all the people we love from Maryland, but Andrew's boss will be out of  town half the month of October, leaving Andrew in charge of the store, and the other half, the big-wigs from Portland will be here in the Salt Lake store, and my man needs to be there to impress them with his general awesomeness. 

While there were a few little factors contributing to our decision - Cameron and Ethan will have 3 full weeks in school, rather than the one or two we originally thought, before we pull them out - the main issue is that I decided that our kids need every chance they can get to visit with their grandmother.  One never knows how long their grandparents will be around, and to miss an opportunity to spend time with one is like inviting Regret to be your constant companion. 

While we're on the subject, did you know that Cameron had 13 living grandparents when he was born??  How amazing is that?  My kids are now down to 8, which is still an incredible blessing, but it shows just exactly how that can change in 8 years.

At any rate, Cameron and Ethan are both doing quite well so far in school.  Cameron seems to feel comfortable in his class and looks forward to walking out the door every morning, and he comes home with news and smiles, and that is all I want.  Ethan could use a break.  He's having a hard time adjusting to the full day of a first grader.  He liked school a lot more when it only lasted 3 hours a day.  He's a good kid, though.

So we are leaving here in just one week, and will be gone for a week.  Andrew and I are both foaming at the mouth thinking about Moe's at Cannon Beach and their fish and chips, the kids are falling all over themselves with excitement to see cousins and the new exhibit at the Oregon Zoo.  I am going to force Sandy to let me interview her for hours on end for her personal history.  Andrew is losing sleep due to adrenaline overload.  Fishing really gets him going, but he's also looking forward to the Second Annual Cousin Football Throwdown Smear, or whatever it's being called.  I get to visit the Rose Gardens, one of my favorite places in the world, see my sister and her family, laugh at her just for being the mother of twins - all that good stuff.  Trent will get to show off his 6 teeth and massive thighs which are now being measured by the quarter-ton, and demonstrate what we are sure will by then be crawling.  Right now it's a weird thrusty-scoot thing.  And we're all just very excited to see family.  Strangely, I am very much looking forward to the actual drive.  I love spending time with Andrew, and we have 750 miles to fill with fascinating conversation.  Hopefully not about work or the salmon run.  (I live in a dream world.)

A bonus for all of you is that you won't have to suffer through my rambling blog posts for 9 whole days!  Unless I decide to write some before I leave and schedule them to post at random times while I'm gone.  I just learned that trick and may choose to employ it!  I often have too many thoughts and feel like a freak for posting them one right after another.  I can't help myself.  Sorry.  Also, new blog editor does not have spell check.  What's up with that??  I NEED it!


Natalie said...

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!! :)
(and I don't think that's very nice of you to laugh at me just for being the mother of twins. At least laugh at me for something truly stupid that I've done, like tasting the weed killer wand to make sure Tommy hadn't ingested anything.) ;)

Janice said...

will we get a view of your presence at church or something?:)


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