
It's such a shame...he was so young.

One of my many devastating genetic traits has finally found it's way into the life of one of my children. Cameron has slight far-sightedness and a mild astigmatism. Let the world come crashing down.

We went to a fantastic eye doctor today who took forever, (as well he should have), to find just the right prescription for my 8 year-old, and then sent us into the lobby to pick out frames, which is where I nearly died of shock. $150.00 for eyeglasses for a child?!?!?! They had to be joking.

"I know I'm going to sound like a total cheapskate," I said to the receptionist, "but seeing as my insurance doesn't cover any of the cost of the glasses, could I just take his prescription with me and get his glasses somewhere else?"

They must get that all the time because she had the script written out in no time flat, and was actually more than pleasant about it. There must be about a hundred other patients who thought it was insane to pay $150 for glasses for child who has never worn them before and has not experienced the horror of scratching or losing them which would give him the proper sense of fear driven responsibility for their care. I could have Cameron watch A Christmas Story, but I think that one has to go through the experience of wrecking a pair of glasses before they can truly understand just how devastating the BB gun/icicle scene is; nor do I want to encourage lying about it should something happen to his specs.

After school, I took Cameron to Wal-Mart, where the folks understand us poor families with four children to feed and no extra money for outrageously priced eyeglasses that our insurance company was happy to pay for us to find out that we need but refused to contribute towards.

There was a rack with an impressively wide selection of glasses for children, most of which were under $80.00...still kind of sickening, but OH!... I then stumbled upon the tiny section of glasses that were all $9.00. Did you hear me? NINE dollars. Hallelujah, I was sold! We tried on all 12 of them, found a pair that looked decent, if not cute, on him, and paid for them with the relief that only a mother between pay-days can feel. The total, including lenses, came to forty dollars and change. Now I can rest easy, knowing that should Cameron lose them, step on them, or toss them in the trash at school when he's been called "Four Eyes" one too many times, I can give him a thorough tongue lashing and let him escape with his life, then go fork out another forty.

Cameron will have his new facial accessory within a week. Pictures of the instant genius will follow.


Andrea said...

Good job on the great deal!! Bummer that Cameron must endure glasses but I bet he will look great in them.

Erin said...

I feel your pain about the gene thing - I suffered huge amounts of guilt when Ben got his, and Matt will need them in the next couple of years. But at least Ben and Cameron will both have someone who understands what they're going through! And you are wise to expect to be replacing them soon, cause it WILL happen!

Natalie said...

Yep - it's only a matter of time for our kids too. Poor things - they don't stand a chance!
Can't wait to see Cameron in his spiffy new glasses!

Mindy said...

I am so happy you found a deal!!! Yesiree that was a good one $9! I cannot wait to see his glasses. The only thing I wish when I was younger is that mine hadn't taken up my whole face (the fad in the 80's). I hide the photos of the 8-10 year old photos because not only did I have ginormous glasses I had buck teeth or head gear too! Awe...the "change" is so much fun!


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