Last night I was told by someone that they read my blog and feel sad at how obviously miserable I am. This person said it was evident through my blog posts that I have a terrible and negligent husband and children that I can't stand.
Most of me wants to say that this person is 12 kinds of crazy, but on the off chance that I have just been a downer to some of the rest of you, I wanted to reassure you that I love my life. I love my husband so much that most days I grin ear to ear at the awesome luck I had in finding him. He makes me laugh every day, even if my day has been full of the torturous unpleasantness that all people sometimes experience. He never criticizes me if I have been unable to get a stitch of housework done during the day, he seems unable to go an hour in my presence without hugging me or telling me that he loves me, and if dinner is ready the minute he gets home from work then he is of the mind that I am the best wife in existence. He makes sure that I get out of the house for a Girl's Night on a regular basis so that I get a break from my everyday woes. He treats me like every wife deserves to be treated.
Both Andrew and I are addicted to our kids. We stare at each other sometimes, both knowing what the other is thinking - We love them so bad! We have challenges with all our kids, just like everyone else. I do sometimes go on about how hard it is to keep up with Cameron's school work and gripe about how Drew might be trying to make me suicidal with his every move. That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy them every single day and experience bouts of giddiness when I go in to check on their sleeping little bodies at night. Andrew and I's every Earthly joy is encompassed in those four boys.
I had thought that everyone who reads my blog was fully aware of my out of control sarcasm and could easily see that my humor is sometimes a little on the dark side. Maybe misery just loves company and will seek for it in my words. I'm sorry for that, but not sorry for expressing myself here in just the way that I wish. If that is interpreted as me being miserable, then maybe some people should read something a little more simple and transparent. Or maybe just stick to picture books.
You do have a great life! I have never considered you to be miserable in your life. You see the humor in life and embrace it.
No need to justify your dark sense of humor and fantastic grasp of sarcasm to me - we both had the same parents. ;)
I actually find a lot of joy in your writing. It is evident in the care that you take to describe your loved ones, and the humorous stance you take on catastrophe's that would land most women in a padded room.
I love the way you express yourself and hope that never changes!
I for one look forward to reading your blog because of your humor and your honesty. It makes me laugh when I read about you adventures with the boys, I just wished you lived closer so we could see you more.
Don't listen to that person, and tell them to not read your blog if it gets you down. I appreciate your honet, open, raw, real, natural take on life and being home with 3 little ones all day and the joy of having 2 come home and the fun of homework.
You do a wonderful job and I think you express life in real terms.
It never entered my mind that the things you write would translate to you being unhappy or not loving your fam. But then again, I just naturally lean toward the sarcastic side of things myself, and when I warn Eric that if he leaves the house, the children may or may not survive until he gets home, I don't really mean it either (hardly ever!). I always look forward to reading your blog, it is always so witty, and it's exactly what I wanted to say but didn't know it!
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