
Concerning our President

Once again, I am delving into the realm of the taboo.  Politics.  My cousin, Erin, brought this to my attention last night, (I don't watch the news lately, I put the kids to bed and then cry while I try to re-assemble my house, and then I waste time blogging, and then I crawl in bed and die), and then I saw it brought up again on Facebook by Marcy.

Let's all start this lecture by watching this video on you tube.

Done?  Okay.  My opinion.

1.  A good deal of the pledges these people claim to be making are admirable.  Good for them, if they really are doing them.  But if they consider me to be a poor citizen of the United States of America because I teach my kids to flush the toilet after they "do a single", as the gentleman put it, then I will just have to live with that label, because I don't care for the smell of urine.

2.  I do not need Hollywood actors or professional athletes to tell me how to be a good, responsible citizen.  I do think that most celebrities could take a lesson from the general public on how to be resourceful and charitable, and how to conduct their lives in a moral and responsible fashion.

3.  I will not pledge to be a "servant to" or even "of service to" any PRESIDENT.  I will pledge to be OF SERVICE TO my COUNTRY.  Any president who's aims and values coincide with what is best for our country will also be served by my patriotism.  Patriotism is not support of or loyalty to one man, but to one nation.  If we have an honorable president, then the two become one and the same.  People pledged loyalty to a man called Hitler, and look where it got them.  (That was not a comparison of Obama to Hitler, but make of it what you will.)

And now on to President Obama's upcoming address to the children of our country.  Here's a link  if you need to be brought up to speed.

I do not know what, exactly, President Obama plans to say to our children.  My immediate reaction is to scream NO!! and then wonder what kind of subliminal messages will be hidden in his speech.  This can be looked at as either paranoia or intuition.  Whatever you like.  I simply wish that we parents could hear this address before it is presented to our impressionable youth.  Obama, is after all, a politician, and they all have an agenda which usually involves re-election.  (Some of you may recognize my thoughts from reading my comment on Marcy's Facebook Status where I pretended to be Andrew, and then was chewed out by my husband for doing it.  And rightly so.)

I don't imagine that my kids have the attention span to listen to Obama's entire speech, which we are told will last for 15 to 20 minutes.  I would hope that no political ideas or pleas will be subtly placed on the table for my kids to partake of.  I would hope that his address will be exactly what it is being billed as: encouragement.  If it is, then ultimately, I can't see it making much difference anyway.  Kindergarten through fourth grades will be asleep or zoned out within thirty seconds, 5th through 8th grade will possibly be inspired for a day or two, but their lives are focused in the now - sports, TV, chores, friends and making fun of the lunch lady's hair net and jiggly arms - not in the future that seems a lifetime away to them.  The high school crowd may or may not heed his words, but I would guess that that will largely depend on whether their parents are Democrats or Republicans and whether or not they like their parents.  Kids that age should be mature enough to think for themselves and decide if they agree with our President or not.  We'll see.

I am trying my hardest to not see deception in this issue, and have decided that the best thing FOR ME AND MY KIDS is to use this as a teaching opportunity.  I believe there are two options.

First, you can keep your kids out of school while the address is made, or let them participate in any alternate activities that are being offered.  You have every right to do so.  If I were to choose this option, I would make sure to discuss my decision with my children.  Kids are smart.

Or, (and this will be my choice), you can keep your kids in school, but be there to watch the address with them, or watch it from home.  Parent's should know what is being presented to their children.  If you agree with any part of President Obama's message then talk about it, reinforce it at home.

If you disagree with any part of Obama's message, then talk to your kids about it, correct what needs to be corrected.  It is an opportunity to teach your children.

Finally, I want my children to have respect for the Office of President.  Respect for the office does not mean that we have to support things that we disagree with.  It does not mean that we have to like the man, (or woman), sitting behind the desk.  Respect for the Office means that people stand when the president enters a room.  It means that we should do anything we can to support the President in the cases that we believe he is doing the right thing.  It means understanding that because all people have the right to believe what they will, you can't please everyone.  It means knowing that being President is a hard job.  It means that you have a responsibility to vote.

I want my children to grow into responsible, informed adults.  I want them to be able to decide for themselves what is right.  I want them to feel confident in standing up for what they believe in.  I want them to know that they do not have to agree with everything that an elected official says, but they won't know what or who they believe if they don't listen.  My job as a parent is, first, to protect them, but also to help them interpret, understand and then help them to do the right thing.



Natalie said...

I think you have a great plan here. Far too many parents discount their children as not caring, or not being interested in what is going on in the world around them. Chosing to educate your children (wether you agree with the President's speech or not)is always a good idea.
On a side note: I almost choked when I saw the new pic of Cameron - hilarious! :)

Kellie said...

I agree. You can't know how to choose your path if you are not given options and information. I've heard that they are releasing transcripts of the press conference on Monday so that parents will be able to read it and decide then if they would like their children to see it. I've also heard that they are playing the "celebrity commercial" during the press conference, so, maybe check that out too.
I also had a fit of laughter at Cameron's picture and promptly showed all my pals at work :)

Kellie said...

Oh, and is your shameful confession implying , after our conversation about Bryan's habit of rubbing his food-covered hands through his hair, that my kid is "the sinky baby"? ;)

Bethany said...

Yes, Kellie. In addition to having "the bad baby", he is also stinky. And we find ourselves disgusted at his constant nose picking, his poo stinks worse than my kid's poo, he makes smacking noises when he eats, sprays his milk everywhere, and in general, is an icky child.

No. I was not implying that. :)

He really does spray milk everywhere, though. But you knew that.

Marcy Kestner said...

Thanks Bethany for your comments. You can said it perfectly. Can you teach me how to do that? I thnk I amy be pissing people off. Maybe, I should just not discuss anything political, but this really concerned me. I am sure you got a phone call from Sandy too.

Mandy and Lorin said...

Lorin and I hadn't watched the clip until we saw your post and our jaws dropped to the floor when we heard "I pledge to be a servant to our president"!!! Yikes!! And I could not agree more with what you said and your choice with your kids. I think it is very important for them to know the whole truth and then decide for themselves. You are a very good mommy! :)

Andrea said...

My kids have been listening to liberal views in school for years and it has provided some very interesting conversations. You may learn that some kids just naturally see the lies and others believe everything their told. Dallin just last year told me something that he had told another student as a come back to a comment. I shouted for joy because he has finally learned to not take everything he hears for fact.

So that being said we allow are kids to live in the world but talk to them frequently about the views and ideals they are coming in contact with. Politics being one of them. Scriptures and gospel doctrine by the way can be used in all of these conversations. I love and cherish these opportunity's.

That being said Todd and I had already discussed what we would be doing about the Obama address. Our kids will be told what is going on and we will let them know that we are concerned about it and will want to talk to them about it afterwards. It should be interesting.

That being said we have signed them out of certain indoctrination at school. We have informed them of why and let them know what the info was going to be about. I would rather tell them certain things my way then some teacher.


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