By five o'clock every day, my body aches from my lower back to my toes. I drag and hobble myself into the evening hours feeling like I need nothing more than a heating pad and an overdose of Advil, and want nothing more than to go to bed. Contradictory to these powerful urges, I usually enjoy no heating pad, take no medicine at all, and stay up until 11:30 or 12:00 reveling in the time without demands and needs of children.
So what's the deal? Am I just out of shape, or is it normal to feel so worn and decrepit at 29 years of age? The kids can't be taking this much out of me. *Whimper, whimper, whimper...*
I only have one kiddo and I feel the same way. And also spend my child free child time doing frivolous things!
I think we are all there with ya. As for staying up late, no matter how hard I try it seems Todd and I feed off each other. If I want to go to bed he'll suggest watching a movie and vice versa. We frequently stay up until 1 am. Pretty stupid huh.
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