
Today's Breakfast

kids: scrambled eggs, toast, milk.

me: and

Some days, that's just what you need.


Erin said...

I'm just super-impressed that you made your kids a hot breakfast! That totally makes up for what you had. My kids are neglected. They make themselves cold cereal and frozen waffles. Now who's the bad mom eh? I think I can already claim that title for the day.

Maureen said...

I see nothing wrong with that. Yesterday I had a brownie and coke zero.

Maureen said...

I see nothing wrong with that. Yesterday I had a brownie and coke zero.

Bethany said...

I'm sorry, Erin, i should have specified. Kids 2 and younger, scrambled eggs and toast. Kids over 2: cold cereal. That's all they ever want. Once in a while I can stick some french toast in there, but then they have to have the cereal, too.


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