We so enjoyed your visit with us over the last several weeks. Delightful it was to have your company on our walks to the library, jaunts to the park and lazy afternoons in the backyard. Remember the time we went to the drive-in movies and laughed and talked until it was time to snuggle under blankets and watch the show? You were away when we visited the zoo, but don't feel bad. We still enjoyed our trip there. We took a little break from you last week, too, when we escaped to the movie theater to see Harry Potter. We did a lot of things together this season, but my favorites were the backyard barbecues, July Fourth and the day trips to the lake. Such good memories, and they will linger just long enough to get us through the coming months of snow before your return.
Until then, Cameron will miss you, but is excited to learn cursive and keyboarding. Ethan will remember you fondly until next year, but will muddle through without you as he enjoys eating lunch at school and having three recesses a day. We'll happily welcome you back next June, but wouldn't be offended if you decided to come a little sooner, as you were so late to arrive this year.
The Kestners
P.S. If we decide to go camping again next time you are here, please don't be so mean!
You have such a fun way of wording things. Cameron and Ethan look sharp. I must say Ethan looks a little more excited to be going to school then Cameron.
Was yesterday the first day of school already? Yikes! The boys look great, even if Cameron doesn't look so thrilled. :)
Cool book bags! Right in the 60's! I am proud of my great nephews!
Ethan is a hoot, and Cameron needs a poke! :)
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