Yes, I love a good pint of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie, all to myself.
I was introduced to Ben and Jerry's by my father, who, when I was a teenager, began the tradition of "Ben and Jerry's Questions". What is that? Well, Dad would come up with some off the wall trivia question, and the person who could answer it first would win a pint of Ben and Jerry's. Quite a good deal, if you ask me. I think I may have won once, but I am not the smartest of my siblings, so I may just be remembering watching them eat theirs... Anyway, in honor of Ben and Jerry's and of Dear Dad, we are going to have a little Ben and Jerry's Question of our own here on Bethany's Brain!
OK, there will be 2 questions; one for the general public, (yes, I know, there is a huge following here), and one for the general public, plus my parents and siblings. Here we go!
Question #1-for the general public. (Mom, Dad and siblings are ineligible, because this was my favorite "Ben and Jerry's Question" growing up, so you all know the answer.)
What three letter, one syllable word can you add one letter to the end of, and thus have a three syllable word?
Question #2 - anyone can answer:
What 1940's big band musician was declared Missing In Action after his plane disappeared over the English Channel while flying to France to play for soldiers who had recently liberated Paris?
The first two people to answer these questions correctly will win a coupon for a free pint of Ben and Jerry's! If you are the first person to answer both questions correctly, well, then, lucky you!
I'm going to say the talented Mr. Glenn Miller for answer #2. Am I right? Oh, and this one I think I knew, but the first one that I supposedly should have known, I didn't. So.... maybe that doesn't count! :)
Very good, Natalie! Did you google that?? :) OK, question #1 is still up for grabs!
Haha - I knew it was the something Miller Band, but all I could think of was the Steve Miller Band - you know, from the 70's? I knew that wasn't right, so I did google for the first name. It's kinda cheating - you can give the coupon to someone else if you can think of another question!
Googling is not against the rules! My theory in parenting, and other aspects of life, is Don't make a rule if you can't enforce it. It applies well to my kids now, but when they are teenagers, perhaps sooner, I will have to change my thinking. :) Googling is a-ok.
I have absolutely NO IDEA on Q #1. I was about to google the answer for #2 but Natalie somehow found more time in her busy day than I did! :)
Since I didn't know you while you were growing up does that mean I am eligible for the first question?
as long as you don't cheat and get the answer from kellie!
Lightning struck my brain! The answer to #1 is ARE! Are + a = Area. Yay, I did something right today.
Nice one, Erin! I was starting to wonder if anyone would ever get it! And I'm sure you do lots of stuff right every day! I'll call you to see what kind of Ben and Jerry's you want, cause no sense in mailing a coupon when you're right down the street...
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