We encountered our first Hobo spider of the year this morning. Andrew called me into the bathroom where he had spotted one sitting on top of the pants Ethan had left in the bathroom last night. I got a bunch of toilet paper to squish the thing with while Andrew stood on the toilet. (I know - what a pansy.) The giant, nasty spider is now in the trash with guts bleeding out all over. So gross. And if you really want to be creeped out and never sleep again, take a look at
this, and then click on the link for giant house spider. You'll feel things crawling on you for the rest of the day!
Ack! I have so many spiders in my house and yard right now it's just disgusting. I put up with them in the garden because they eat all the bugs that would otherwise eat my plants. In the house is another story. I prefer not to identify species of our spiders though, that would surely keep me up all night. *shudder*
We had a wolf spider in the house a while ago. Luckily, Eric chased it outside before he started to stomp on it, because apparently it's a kind that carries it's babies on it's back, and as soon as he started squishing it, hundreds of tiny babies went running in every direction all over our porch! Talk about creepy. I could just hear that terrible violin music they use in movies to connotate creepy crawly things that just makes your hair stand on end.
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