
There Are Starving People in China

Last night we had grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. I was preoccupied with proof reading my little project, and thus did not notice that all of the boys had thrown their sandwiches in the trash. (They are very hit and miss when it comes to food they like.) Anyway, Andrew came home late after doing another install that he will probably never get paid for, and saw the sandwiches in the trash. He about flipped his lid. I don't blame him...working extra long hours just to get by and you come home to see your hard work and time away from family there in the garbage can. Well, Drew felt really bad about the whole thing, so this morning he hid out in the kitchen and ate those sandwiches out of the garbage. What a great kid. Now excuse me while I go vomit.

1 comment:

Janice said...

I just love your posts. they always make me smile, and yes, sometimes I even laugh:)


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