

Seems like a lot of people have a theme to their blog, while mine is just spewings from my brain. So in an effort to be a more rounded person, (of mind, not body), I plan on posting a gratitude entry at least once a week. That way, this qualifies more as a journal, I get to focus on important things and I will be closer to my goal of being a positive person who speaks kindly of everyone. (Whereas now, I am a negative gossiper?) So the first thing I wish to express my gratitude for is this:

My awesome boyfriend.

I am so lucky to have someone who makes me laugh, doesn't care that my nose might one day take his eye out, loves our kids more than life itself and has a surprisingly sane and calm demeanor. He balances my neuroticism with perfection. I love him!


Janice said...

and he should be grateful to have such an adoring fan:)

Erin said...

Cute! Awesome hubbies are the best!

Natalie said...

Aren't we lucky to have these wonderful guys in our lives? I really miss you guys! Oh, and great idea about the gratitude posts. :)


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