Cameron came home from school today and showed me his thumbs. Holy cow, one was huge! Apparently it got hit with a kick ball. I got looking at it and noticed that it was swollen as far as his skin would allow, the first joint was bruised, as was the web and palm of his hand. I thought for sure it was broken. I took him over to see our favorite chiropractor, Dr. Hull, who checked and found that it was NOT broken. How have we gotten so lucky? Seems unnatural that a family with three boys has never had stitches or broken bones. It's okay though; those are the quirks of life that I can handle.

I think it's because we've been taking our share and yours too!
I am pretty sure you have 4 boys not just 3. I realize Trent is only 6 months old but he does still count.
Nice observation, Matt. I appreciate you pointing out that, once again, I have forgotten one of my children. But maybe it was Drew that I subconsciously forgot. Sometimes I do like to pretend that he's not here turning my hair grey and making my sanity non-existent. I'll try to be a better mom in my next post! :)
Poor thing! By the way, I'm really enjoying your play list as I catch up on your blog. Great tunes!
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