
Why are you here?

Alright - poor, neglected blog.

By the way - this is my personal blog, my family blog, the place where I do not write specifically for shock value or entertainment. So if you are reading this blog and you are not family or a personal, in real life friend, you might be infinitely more interested in my other blog, which can be found here.

Ok, so in an effort to stop the neglect of this here blog, I have two new goals.

The first is to do a Week In Review, which will likely be done mostly in pictures. Whatever we did this week, logged on the blog.

The second will be a weekly letter to a family member. Why? I don't know.

But I'll be writing a letter to a member of my family - mostly extended family - once a week. I've actually put everyone's name in a little sandwich bag which I stashed in my desk drawer, and once a week I'll draw a name out and write a letter to that person. Most of these people will probably never even see it! So this is completely ridiculous! But that's ok, because it will give me a chance to think of someone and remember things I've done with them and special things about them... You know. It's a mental exercise, if nothing else.

So, to summarize:

If you're not family or friend, and find yourself completely bored here, it's ok to leave. You don't have to feel bad about unfollowing me here because you couldn't have known what this was. Please try my other site - it's not all bad. Some is though.

I will be posting here at least twice a week now!

I think that's all!

Don't you love how there's no logical thought process to follow here?

1 comment:

David Kestner said...

xtended in law family too? I am soooo excited!!!


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