Mom decided to go to the drive-in for her birthday and see Karate Kid. (Way more awesome than the original, by the way.) The drive-in is one of my favorite places ever. It's just cool.
My mom's a pretty hot 52 year old, huh? And speaking of hot...
Payback. You know what they say.
This is after four sodas, popcorn, licorice, blow pops, skittles and strawberry shortcake. Sugar is bad. But it's fun!
We've spent many a day at Lagoon, too. Buying those season passes was a really, really good idea. Whenever we're bored we just load up the car, drive for five minutes, and ride roller coasters until we puke.
I love Andrew's face in this one.
I love the names of these rides. I wish that was my job - Amusement Park Ride Namer. I would rock it! However, someone is doing a fairly decent job. Above, we have The OdySea, then below are the Jumping Dragon, Turn of the Century, and Tidal Wave - my favorite from my childhood. Hope you and yours are making some awesome memories this summer, too!
Wonderful summer fun. I am officially jealous! I want to be 52 and have a bizillion grandchildren. But I'll just be pushing 50 and have a bizillion and a half great neices and nephews!
Looks like so much fun!!!!
I love all the pictures (there are some really great ones) but it makes me so sad that we aren't there to share all that summer fun. Maybe next year!
Haha! Dang strait Dad and I are hot! There were all sorts of girls giving themselves whip-lash to check out the tall guys at the drive in! Lol
I would like to design AND name the rides. For example, there could be one called the 'Puke Eater'. This one would loop you around and around and around in horizonal circles until suddenly you were thrust into a vertical loop. You would puke at the apex of the loop, and then it would fall back into your own mouth by the time you got to the bottom... well, it would be our own puke theoretically.
Another could be called the "Sharter". This one would be so terrifying that first you'd say it, then you'd do it! You could generate extra income by having a clothing store right where the patrons exited the ride!
What do you think of those? Good, huh?!?!
What the heck?? I thougth I recognized that girl on the header. I didn't know you had two blogs!! you busy girl, you!!
Love the pictures!
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