He liked his cake a lot!
Drewby-Doo is three years old. I can hardly believe it! When he was about a year and a half I didn't think I had the willpower to let him live to see two, but here we are. Drew is a completely changed person these days. The terrible twos weren't so terrible because we'd seen it all, so I have no fear of three, either. (Unfortunately, Drew passed the torch of evil to Trent and now our baby is testing that same willpower that Drew wore out not long ago.)
Drew is our Tiny Guy, our sweet little man that we just can't get enough of. I can't wait to live every day of this new year with him and see how he grows and learns and makes me giddy with joy!
Yey! Presents!
Yesterday was a perfect day for a birthday picnic in the backyard.
I love all of Drew's smiles - and there are many!
Me and my three year old boy. Oh, how fast it goes!
Drew wanted to "wide the woll-a-coastahs" for his birthday, so that's just what we did. He loves this spaceship ride!
Ethan was a good brother to ride all the kiddie rides with Drew. I love my boys!
And, of course, the bumper cars. Drew is a huge fan. There is nothing quite as awesome as listening to him squeal with delight every time he hits or gets hit. What a blast!
love the outdoor picnic! Is that in the back yard! And what fun for 3! What a boy. What a cake, good job Mom!
I want a photo of all 4 of them lined up by age please!
Aww, sweet photos!!
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