
How Has This Never Happened Before?

Head wounds bleed a lot.  

My brother cracked his head wide open in our driveway when he was about three.  My sister and I heard him screaming from the park behind our house and ran home to see what was going on.  Bloody towels everywhere and hurried instructions from Mom to clean up the stain in the driveway as she and Dad chucked Joel into the van and rushed him to the hospital to get stapled back together.  

So I had a few flashbacks when I heard that same kind of foreboding, maniacal scream from Cameron yesterday morning.  He had just gone out to check the mail, and he was really excited because Netflix was supposed to have shipped Star Wars The Clone Wars right to our very own house and isn't the world a marvelous place?  He slipped on a patch of ice and his feet went right out from under him and he landed head first on the concrete.  And then all the blood.  I was putting pressure on it and blood was streaming down my arm like something out of a horror film from the seventies.  All good fun.  I kept telling Cameron that he was going to be okay, everything would be fine, and all the while I am trying to figure out how to get him to the hospital for stitches.  (Stupid Volkswagen!!)

Turns out that he didn't need stitches, but it's still fun to wrap your kid in gauze and pretend that your life is more exciting than it really is.  And this way nobody wakes up with their pillow caked in ooze and gore.  

As for the crossed eyes, we just figure they'll go back to normal the next time he takes a hit to the head.


Natalie said...

Nothing is scarier than a head wound - so glad he is going to be okay!
And yes, you are very lucky that nothing like this has happened before! :)

Andrea said...

Glad everything turned out fine. My boys have never had stitches but two of them did get staples on the back of the head. Your right they bleed a lot.


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