
Nine to Six, Tuesday Through Saturday

It is with overwhelming trepidation that I write this post, because the last time I wrote a gratitude post the cosmos decided to punish me with three weeks of washing dishes by hand.  If that happened with this one we'd be toast.  So here goes nothing.

I am grateful for Andrew's job. 

(Cringe, hold breath!  Any second now he's going to call and tell me that he got laid off and it will all be my fault.)

I am grateful that he has a job.  It's an amazing thing that he is still employed, and has been at the same place for four years, despite all the uncertainty that has been going on in the world.  Especially in his field.

But more than that, I am thankful that he enjoys his job.  He looks forward to going to work, and that is rare.  Having a husband who is willing to take on the entire responsibility of providing for our family so that I can be the one to raise our children is a huge blessing for all of us, and he deserves to be happy in what he does.

He may not be doing the same thing three years from now, (or three days from now if the blogging gods continue to be cruel), but for the time being, I recognize this gift and I am thankful for it.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

It's nice having our men happy!!


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