
Prodigy and Poop. (I know - enough with the poop stories already.)

This morning at breakfast I was dumbfounded when I saw my nephew, Bryan, take a piece of blueberry poptart and purposefully reach up and place it in his hair, gooey side down. Then he took another, larger piece and put that in his hair, too. When he felt the larger piece slipping towards his forehead, his hand flicked up to it and pushed it down into place. He squashed it down hard enough to be sure that it wouldn't budge, and then he placed both hands back on the tray and serenely stared into space. This all happened in just a few short seconds, and all while I was standing right next to him, jaw hanging open. I felt certain that he was bound for the short bus to kindergarten.

After we cleaned up that mess, I sat in the living room, watched him play for a minute, and then said, "Bryan, I will give you five dollars if you only poop once today." And I meant it, too. Bryan looked at me as if to say, "You're on." And then we both went about our business.

You see, Bryan has some kind of over-active digestive system, and he has anywhere from three to six bowel movements during the ten and a half hours I watch him each weekday. Then he goes home and acts completely normal, only averaging two BM's a day on the weekends. I think he hates me.

So, imagine my surprise when I changed Bryan's diaper before his morning nap and there was no need for the baby wipes I had armed myself with! That could very well be a first. I think Bryan is smarter than I gave him credit for at breakfast. If he keeps this up, he'll be stuck with the burden of deciding if he wants to spend his cash on some binkie bling or a lollipop the size of his head.

Maybe his antics at breakfast were just a sign of artistic repression, and we need to break out the pudding paints. Not until spring when we can do it outside though.


Natalie said...

I bet his hair smelled really good after breakfast though! :)
Good luck making it through the rest of the day - I hope your wallet ends up being a little lighter.

Kellie said...

Everyone at work is wondering why I'm laughing so hard!!

Maybe he's trying a home remidy to get nice, shiny, soft hair....

Oh, and I forgot to tell you that he pooped this morning before I dropped him off - how rude was that?!?

Matty Matt said...

And who was it that changed that poopie diaper? ME!!!!!

You're Welcome!


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