Arriving home from a church basketball game, Andrew sat in his father's old chair, (soaked in sweat), and greeted his boys.
Andrew: Where's Drew?
Me: He fell asleep in my lap, so I already put him to bed.
Andrew: Oh.
Me: How was your game?
Andrew: It was pretty good. I played like crap and my team sucks, but I ran a lot, so I don't have to go to the gym tonight.
Me: Ok, then I think I'll make that run to the grocery store right now.
Andrew: Ok. Is Drew in bed already?
Me: Yes. I already told you that.
Andrew: Oh. Ok. I remember.
Me: (got up, got my shoes, my purse, asked the older kids if they wanted to go with me, went to the bathroom...)
Five minutes later...
Me: Ok, I'm leaving now, and I have Cameron and Ethan with me.
Andrew: Ok, where's Drew?
OK - so early stages of Aultzheimers, but as I would, he atleast knows who the most important boy to know the whereabouts of is!!
What the crap is Aultzheimer's? I think my husband is losing his mind as well as yours. That whole comment posted did not make sense...must be a genetic condition.
Make him repeat back to you what you just said, it helps the words to get in the testosterone laiden brain.
And with naught is good to worry about him!
and they say we lose our brain cells with pregnancy:)
Sounds very familiar.... ;)
Aaaahhh! That is why we stay home and care for the children! Andrew never has been good with details!
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