We had a fabulous day today with much gorging and tryptophan induced sleepiness.
The boys always love to pile on the same bed so that they can keep each other awake for as long as possible. This weekend, they have a better reason to crowd in because Joel is sleeping over so that Briana can have his room at my parent's house. I pulled Drew out of this mess and put him in his own bed because they were crammed so tight that they were sweating on each other. And what's up with there being no pillowcases on their pillows? We look totally white trash!
I stayed up late making pies. This was my first lattice top crust. It could have been worse. And I realized that those McCormick Grinders are awesome for spices like garlic sea-salt and pepper, but not for cinnamon, because then it looks like you peppered your pies.
Mom used up all the wine on her famous Booze Turkey, so she had to drink the liter of Dr. Pepper she had on hand while she cooked. My mom rocks!
Wicked awesome Booze Turkey. I'm sure that's not the real name for it.
Almost got everyone in this picture. Except for the kids who were exiled to the kid table with no breakable dishes. Drew, however, did get hold of the little porcelain pilgrim woman that was part of the centerpiece for the kids' table, and beheaded her. That's our Drew.
After dinner and dishes were done, we went for a walk, during which Andrew found this little treasure of a fake mustache on the ground. So he did what any sane person would do and put it on his face. Not a good look for him.
Cameron, Ethan and Drew were introduced to street hockey by Joel and Dad. They kinda stunk at it, but it was their first attempt at wielding the stick, so maybe with time they won't be an embarrassment to the Norman family.

Trent was so heavy that we had to take turns carrying him on our walk. Stroller would have been convenient.

Matt, Andrew and Jake tossing the football around. Andrew and Joel went to three Turkey Bowl games today, and nobody would let them play. All I can think is that the people in Utah don't always practice what they preach. But perhaps they were all just intimidated by Andrew's size and Joel's bony limbs. So it was nice that Andrew had someone to play with later.
We hope that all of you had a marvelous Thanksgiving, too!
great photos! love your family! Happy holidays to you all!
Wonderful photos.
Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
And your pie is beyond perfect. Did you make that perfect crust or have the dough boy help?
Kudos to you from one seasoned pie baker!
Heck, no! We don't do store bought pie crusts. It's just cheating. :)
Well, some of us don't do pies at all because it's too scary. I'll stick with rolls made from scratch. :)
I love all the pics and wish I was there. Just me, not my children. ;)
I have a booze turkey in the oven right now and it smells divine!!!
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