I love nothing more than Mondays. Andrew has been working Saturdays for about three years now...I think...so Sundays and Mondays are the days we get to spend with him. Now don't get me wrong, I love a lazy Sunday evening with family walks, playing games with the kids and naps while Andrew watches football, but Mondays are family days AND productive days. We got a lot done today.
Andrew is currently out mowing the lawn, (and the snow, if you must know), because it needed one more trim before the winter and also because we're too impatient to rake leaves a hundred times in the fall. We just wait until they all drop and then mow them up, and dump them in the trash. Call us lazy - we don't care. But if you want to feel like you're getting nowhere in life, go outside in early October and rake up all your leaves and then go inside and look out your window an hour later. You'll never have those two hours back. Wasted.
So, while the garage did not make it onto the "completed" side of the to-do list today, a couple of other things did. None of which were the dishes from last night. (Am I painting a pretty good picture of our home right now?)
It is cold, but sunny and gorgeous outside right now. The sunset tonight is going to rock.
My kids are playing outside - laughing, screaming, wearing themselves out.
I ate a Snickers bar that only cost fifty cents.
I haven't felt the need to use a swear word all day.
And finally, because I am a female mother of four living on a budget in the holiday season during a recession, I have to brag about the best part of my day. I got a fifty dollar coat for Ethan at Kohl's for $4.52. Boo-yah! Kohl's is my new best friend. Until Andrew finishes the leaf/mowing project in the backyard, and then he will reclaim his spot at the top.
I love today!
Yay! I love happy days!
Wow - that is an awesome deal!!!! Kit gave me a $10 gift card to Kohl's so I'm going to head out this weekend looking for some smokin hot deals on Christmas jammies for the boys - send me some of your good deal dust!
Oh, and I'm right there with you on the leaves, only in our yard, it's tons and tons of pine needles. They're everywhere. I hate them. :)
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