Andrew is going to be very sweet this year and buy me a Christmas present. And he's going to buy it before five o'clock on Christmas Eve. AND he's going to wrap it.
So all he needs are some ideas of what to get me.
I have none.
I cannot think of a single thing that I want. Well, not in that particular price range anyway. While I would love a Dodge Viper or my own movie theater or a trip to Italy... That's not exactly what Andrew has in mind.
So help me out, internet people. What do I want for Christmas?
I'm having the same trouble myself this year. I got nothing. The only thing that I've come up with are new slippers, a new winter coat, and a gift certificate to so I can turn my blog into a book.
Would you like an I-Pod/MP3 player? Or a new phone? Some new clothes? Books? Movies? Jewelry?
Hopefully someone else will have some good ideas.
It has been so long since I have recieved a Christmas present from my spouse. I love him dearly. He gives me the gift of home improvement every year. This year I am asking for the siding to be 100% done on the house. But, my favorite gift is always fresh flowers.
How about...a day out of visiting favorite new restaurants? concert? musical?
HOld out for the trip to Italy. :)
I like the gift of making your blog into a book. That would be a treasure to have forever.
Family photo shoot?
a facial?
a massage?
new shoes?
good luck. I am sure we'll hear the final outcome!
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