

I will peel the skin off of apples for my kids, but I will not cut the crust off their bread.

I think that just because it's true love does not mean it's easy.

Standard bathtubs should be bigger.

Grilled cheese sandwiches are much better when made with that fake, waxy cheese than with real cheese, unless you're also putting sauteed onions and tomato on it.

No matter how hard I try, I cannot spell 'restaurant' correctly without spell check.

I am neither Democrat nor Republican.

I wish I could go back to high school and actually pay attention this time.

I love libraries.

Even in the dead of summer when it's 100 degrees outside, I can't sleep without at least a sheet on me.

I consider buying 2 weeks worth of groceries for a family of six for under $200 a talent.

If I could do one thing to make the world a better place, I would make people pay money to watch television. Commercials would be history and everyone would spend less time watching.

I don't have any friends that I see at least once a year who are not family. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

I've never had a root canal.

I cannot cut a straight line. This is evident in my previous scrapbook attempts and in my sister's memory of the time I tried to cut her hair.

Everyone says that it's better to give than to receive. I'm going to have to be honest and say that they are about equal in my book.

I hate sports.

Peaches are the best fruit in the world, but only if it's ripe and juicy.

I think that all of my siblings have chosen spouses (and potential spouses?) that fit in with our family quite nicely. I like them all.

I don't understand people who care about the lives of celebrities. Not to say that I don't laugh at them when they treat us to a sorry display of humanity's most idiotic specimens.

Did you know that Wheel of Fortune is still on the air?

I swear too much. A lot too much.

My mailman is a jerk.

I can't stand to have my window blinds closed. It's depressing. Unless it's dark outside, and then they must be closed because we don't like to be peeped at. There are three daytime instances when the blinds must be closed though: When the house is imitating a hurricane casualty, when I have a migraine, or when we're watching a movie in the afternoon and the sun is glaring on the TV screen. All other times, blinds open. So if you come to my house in the daylight and the blinds are closed, you may as well just go away because I'm either watching a movie and don't want to be interrupted, battling a headache and don't want to be bothered, or the house is in such a mess that I won't let you in anyway.

I made a delicious apple pie on Friday. Also, caramel corn. That was good, too.

Sometimes, when someone is talking to me, my mind wanders and fixates on one of their facial features or body parts, and then I snap out of it and have to hope they didn't notice my freakish staring.

I own ten pairs of shoes, none of which are actually suitable for church because I hate dressing up and therefore spend no money on such things. I regularly wear two of those pairs, and never undo the shoelaces. No one in my family owns a pair of crocs.

I have not dressed up for Halloween since I was in my teens. I am thinking about it this year though. We'll see.

I did not weed my yard adequately this summer. I would have, if I'd been able to complete it uninterrupted.

The last book I read was My Sister's Keeper. Next on the list - whatever I find at the library today.

I have almost nothing hanging on my walls because I have not yet found anything that fits me and also costs less than Andrew's monthly salary.

I almost never shower before 1 PM. If I did, I'd have to shower twice. After the walk, you know.

My favorite color is orange.

Given the choice, I would rather be deaf than blind. And I would read people's lips and be greatly amused.


Andrea said...

I love the way you write. You have such an amazing talent.

Natalie said...

I love it when you do random posts - they make me smile.
Oh, and can you send me some carmel corn? Thanks. :)

Marcy Kestner said...

interesting! Was this confession time? hehe. Orange is truly your favorite color? WOuld u ever paint a wall that color?

Bethany said...

I would totally paint a wall orange! Not crossing guard jacket orange, but something like a burnt orange... Not too far into brown though.

Matty Matt said...

I prefer the crossing guard jacket orange. That would be my #1 favorite color and my #2 favorite color would have to be lime green!

Erin said...

Whaddya know?! My mailman's a jerk, too! I wonder if it's the same one, or if it's just standard procedure for all of them?

Bethany said...

dark haired guy with a beard? Wears sunglasses a lot? Yells at you when your stupid neighbor parks his car in front of your house and then the snow plow can't get close enough to the curb to clear the spot in front of your mailbox so the mailman has to get out of his truck to put your mail in your box, (just like he does for all the other houses on your street because their boxes are attached to their houses), and it's nine in the morning and your 9 months pregnant body hasn't gotten out to shovel the stupid snow yet, but he hurls loathing and disdain upon you anyhow? Same guy?

Heidi said...

Love love the random thoughts. Your brain is amazing. i think i like the one about body parts best......and the least.
I HATE orange. Expect of course pumpkins. they are supposed to be orange. nothing else...well fall leaves, but not clothes or shoes, or especially walls!

Mindy said...

I also love orange, I too check out people's body parts/markings... I would so paint a wall orange...go for it, girl! You are so funny and I love getting these random blogs too...keep them up!


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