Every afternoon at 12:45 I head out the door for a walk with the three little guys. I love this time of day because we all get some fresh air and no one talks, (or cries, or whines), for twenty minutes. Trent, Drew and Bryan are all completely silent for most of the walk, excepting the times that we happen upon a tractor or a snail or a particularly loud dog. They just take it all in.
During today's walk, I decided that I love my neighborhood. We could probably never afford to buy a house here because of the city that it's in, but living here, owners or not, is pretty nice. I love that the houses are old. There's a house or two on every block that has been built in the last ten years, but I think that those houses are an eye sore in this kind of neighborhood. They look just like all the other houses that are mass produced in every other city all over the state. I'm a sucker for personality.
I also decided that I love the sidewalks. They are mostly old and cracked and raised up by the roots of hundred-year-old trees. I love that they move to make room for beauty to grow. Yeah, it's hard to push a stroller or pull a wagon loaded with three tubby kids over those kinds of sidewalks, but the trees provide a lovely canopy of shade in the summer and an enchanting shower of golden leaves in the fall.
And though I adore walking in these crisp autumn afternoons with three pacified toddlers, I have to say that this hill can be a bugger. I don't know if you can tell by the photo, but the hill is very deceptive. It may not seem all too steep, but the thing goes on forever. We live at the base of the Wasatch Mountains, so walking in any direction means meeting a hill like this either to or fro. So how sweaty am I after climbing it with the kids in tow? Let's just say that I'm peeling the layers of clothing off so I can shower while the little beasts nap.
I love your neighborhood too! I love tree-lined streets and older houses with personality. Too bad my neighborhood looks nothing like this!
I love this neighborhood too, and for all the same reasons - the trees, the character and uniqueness of the old houses. I also like living across from the high school because we get "parades" all summer while the marching band practices, plus lots of excitement. I told Eric I will never move into a brand new house. I would much prefer an old neighborhood.
Looks beautiful.
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