The boys and I finished reading "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" a while back, and are now half way through "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator". I have to say that I am not enjoying the sequel as much as the first. Since the boys have some time off from school, we've decided that today would be the perfect day for a Willy Wonka marathon. We already own "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", (on something called a VHS tape, which is similar to a DVD, but is a small rectangular box that contains a long tape on two reels), so we are going to rent "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", and then watch both back to back and decide which one we like best.
And how can you possibly watch those movies without at least a little candy? It would be criminal not to. So we are stopping on the way home to grab some Nerds, a little licorice and some chocolate. Why has no one ever manufactured a Scrumdiddlyumptious Bar?BRING ON THE BATTLE OF THE WONKAS!

(Right after the kids are done watching "Alien vs. Predator", of course.)
We don't own the original but it is hilarious to watch Alaina wonder around the house singing the music to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
I love the first one. ....a story there. too!
Happy Fall!
xo H
I LOVE the original, but the new one grows on me more every time I watch it. Am I correct that it follows the book more closely, or is that just my imagination?
Oh - and what did the boys decide????
Not surprised to find that both Cameron and Ethan liked the Depp version better than the Wilder version of the Wonka tale. They thought it was funnier. I have to agree, it is more comically stimulating. It is, in fact, also more in line with the book. The Depp movie follows the book almost exactly, with the exception of the rift between Wonka and his father, and the aversion that he displays toward families until his reunion with his father in the end. That whole thing - not a Roald Dahl invention. However, I think that I read somewhere that Dahl disowned the screenplay for the original film after too many changes were made by another writer. I wonder how he would have felt about the Tim Burton take on the book?
As for my opinion, I can't decide. I like the look and the quirkiness of the Depp version, but I like the emotion that the original film brings out. When Charlie finds his Golden Ticket, and the music flares up, I can't help but shout "I've got a golden ticket!" in a sing song voice and then happily hum along to the tune as Charlie runs home and dances with his senile grandfather.
As for the Wonkas themselves, I love both. I think that Depp is odd to the point of seeming idiotic, and Wilder is too mean and crazy in the end of his film. But I love the wisdom of Wilder's take and the childishness of Depp's.
Why do I spend so much time thinking about pointless things?
Very good thoughts. I appreciate them. They make me smile. :)
I also love Johnny Depp in everything he does because he's a genius and a super hotty. Well, he's not a super hotty in every movie that he does, but I know he's still hot, deep down, under all the crazy.
How's that for pointless?
Oh yeah - I like the Oompa Loompa's in the original FAR better. They are much more terrifying - as they should be. :)
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