Cameron, I promise it's not all bad. Life, I mean. Third grade is tough, I'm with ya there, but you'll get through it, and fourth grade will be a breeze because you'll be used to mountains of homework and tests every week. One day you'll be 35 and you'll have no homework at all, and then you'll wish your problems were as easy as all those math worksheets. So enjoy!
You are an intense little dude, and you definitely learned that from me. Your father is so laid back about everything that it's hard to get a rise out of him at all. So I have to tell you that sometimes those crazy emotions that pop out of you nearly every second of the day are a good thing. We all have our moments where nothing goes the way we want them to, and we flip out a little, but the trick is to let those ones slide and pay attention to the good outbursts. Like when you were busting at the seams to tell me that you aced your reading test, and all those prizes you've been winning for rockin' it on Success Maker! Your perseverance amazes me!
I have to tell you that I so appreciate your helpfulness. I can always count on you to pitch in and to do it with a smile. I don't know what I'd do without your help and your good attitude.
Ethan, how many of you are there? Did I also pass on my split personality gene to you? I never know what to expect from you. I guess that's a good thing because you keep it interesting. I was watching you in Primary today, (I had a good view sitting right behind you), and I was so impressed with your maturity. You were the only kid in your class that didn't fall out of their chair today. Good job, Dude! I love that you respect your elders. I didn't think your Dad and I were doing such a great job of teaching you that, because we never sat you down and said, "If you ever talk back to an adult, we'll beat you 'til you bleed." But I guess it wasn't necessary, because you figured it out on your own. I like that. You are socially smart and you got the book smarts too. I loved that Cameron was quizzing you with math problems at breakfast today and you nailed every question he threw at you. I could tell that you were pleased, too, and you should be.
I just wish I could talk you into liking to read. What gives? You are so good at it when you try! Sounding out words might make you feel kinda silly, I know, but you gotta do it. It's the only way to learn. In a few years, you'll know all kinds of words, and you won't have to sound them out. Like capricious and beguiling - both of which describe you with perfection.
And hey - when I figure out how to make your sense of responsibility carry over from school to home, you will be cured of writhing on the floor and making gagging noises when I ask you to clean your room. I know how much you hate to be reduced to that condition, so don't worry, I'll figure it out.
Drew, we are going to make it! I wondered there for a while which of us would kill the other one first. You seem to be getting to the age where you like to be helpful, but not in a way that makes more mess that it's worth. I'm so glad we're here! And a whole new world of two-way communication is opening up to us - I'm so excited! Today I understood so many things you said that I had to stop and let my jaw hang in amazement for a bit! I don't think anyone else can understand you yet, but you'll get there. As long as I know what you want for lunch and when you feel the need to wash your hands, we're good.
And can I just say that I'm thrilled that you like to watch movies now? 'Cause Backyardigans was getting old and then some. I'm particularly pleased that you aren't obsessed with Star Wars. Ethan ruined all those movies for me a long time ago. Please don't feel the need to get overly comfortable with any one particular movie. Variety is a good thing.
And while we're on the subject of movies, I'd like to say that I know you like popcorn with your flicks, but if you dump the bowl out onto the carpet one more time, I just might lose it. I know we have a vacuum and all, but there is not an endless supply of popcorn here. Take it easy with the destructive compulsion, okay?
One final thing: I know you're talking better now and getting older and trying to be cool like your brothers, but please, please, please - don't ever stop saying, "Eee-tah seep a me?" If ever you should stop saying that, in just that adorable way, I will cry tears for the loss of my tiny Drewby and you will have to suffer the loss of getting your way every night at bedtime, because your dad and I can't get over how cute it is, and we'll let you have whatever you want as long as you keep that up. Just a tip.
Ah, Trent. It's been almost a year, and I am sad! You started out bigger than you should have, and it's only gotten worse. In case you weren't aware, you wore Drew's clothes to church today because his 3T stuff fit you better than your 2T stuff did. You are unfairly huge! Last babies should all be small for a very long time. And it isn't just your size - you finally learned to pull yourself up into a standing position. (No small feat considering your size.) It won't be long until you're walking and I no longer have a baby. Big, fat sigh.
You are still the happy little guy that we've always bragged about. Always good, always smiling. And boy, do you love to eat! I've started stripping you down to your diaper at every meal to spare the washing machine. Consequently, you look kind of disgusting sometimes, (if you don't believe me, then just look at the picture below), but only from the neck down.
Be a good boy and stop growing. Just for a little while.
I love you all to pieces. Now go outside and play!
Aaaahhh...that is so sweet. You have to read them to them now and print for later. You are so good!
Those are fantastic little letters to your sons! I love each of them so much and miss them like crazy. I can't wait to see you guys in a couple months!
Oh, and tell Cameron he looks very handsome in his new glasses. :)
Cameron is so handsome in those new glasses, you chose wisely grasshopper. Be sure to record Drew language NOW. So when it is gone by Christmas you won't wish you had. And Ethan is a charmer for sure. And that boy you call a "baby" is a mutant baby! He is the cutest "little" cabbose to come along in a long time, and I bet if I could try to pick him up I'd declare he was just like his DAD! We thought Andy had cement in his legs he was so heavy!
Wonderful tribute to your sons.
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