Camping Part Four: Out with a bang.
Just like the beginning of the trip when we were nearly fried by lightening, nature treated us to another surprise when it began to rain, then hail, then snow. August? Summer? Seriously?? We left a day early because we had no hope of surviving the night in an inch or more of snow. Miserable, wet, cold. The up side? We got home, showered, put things away and still had more than 48 hours of "vacation time" to lounge around at home. Also, I had a world class migraine last night, so I was grateful to be home, and not in the middle of nowhere puking in a bush instead of my own lovely toilet. So maybe the snow was a blessing in disguise. :)
snow in Aug. where did you go camping?
Well, despite all your misadventures, I'm glad you still have a positive attitude! :) I love all the pics and is it sick that I still wish we had been there? ;)
Sounds like you guys had tons of fun though. Sorry about the migraine...and the snow...and the lightning attack...and the rain...and the bleeding baby...
I hear ya. Last camping trip we had 24 hours of pouring rain, and a snake attack, and a broken-down vehicle (not ours, our friends). But somehow it can still be a good time!
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