
Random Library Pull Results

So to the right is my new bookshelf. A week or two ago, I said that I was going to randomly pull a book from a library shelf and read it. Well, I pulled two. I walked down the isles, sliding my hand along the books on the shelf, eyes straight ahead to prevent myself from cheating, and grabbed one. It was pretty fun, actually. I read a book that I probably would never have plucked from the shelf otherwise, and it wasn't bad. Interesting, definitely. Oddly, The Shunning is the first book in a trilogy. What are the odds that I would pick the first, huh? I may just read the other two. And The Wrong Man is an ok read, but I haven't finished it yet. I might just do the random pull again sometime. Maybe in the biography section? At any rate, I need to read more, so I put the shelf on my blog to show off what I've been reading. My adoration for Roald Dahl is ongoing, so there may always be one of his books there, since I read to the kids a lot. Off to broaden my horizons a little more...


Natalie said...

That sounds like a lot of fun actually! I might have to give it a try....

Maureen said...

I liked the shunning too! I actually like all of her books.


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