

I finished my grandpa's history just now. Transcribed, edited, put in order and formatted. It was long, but it was awesome, and I am so glad it's finished! Well, except for putting pictures and letters in and then printing and binding it. That will be easy though. So now it's on to cleaning the house and getting everything back to normal. I know that clean is not normal, but striving for it is.


Mandy and Lorin said...

I thought I just posted a comment but I'm not sure it worked... sorry if you get two from me! :) Anyway, I just wanted to THANK YOU for doing this. It means so much to me and I'm sure many others in the family as well. We just had our 5-generation pictures taken tonight, and Grandpa mentioned you wanted one. As soon as I get them back I will email one to you. When do you need it by?

Janice said...

congratulations! that's quite an accomplishment!!!

Natalie said...

You are so awesome for doing this - thank you! And I can't wait to see the finished product.


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